Please explore our website to learn about ways to live more sustainably. More ideas and information can be found on our Facebook page and Instagram posts.
What’s New
- Containers Made of #5 Plastic (polypropylene) Can Now Be Recycled in Hopewell Valley
- Scrap Metal Collection on Feb. 8, 2025
- TerraCycle Zero Waste Bags pick-up
- HVGT at Hopewell Harvest Fair
- Those Confusing ♻︎ Symbols
Our Mission
The Hopewell Valley Green Team is charged with helping everyone who lives and works in the Hopewell Valley to protect this beautiful place that we call home. Since our first meeting on Oct. 29, 2009, the Hopewell Valley Green Team (formerly known as the Hopewell Valley Green Future Task Force) has been working to foster actions among citizens and governments in the Valley that will lead to a more sustainable way of living. We have been especially focused on: 1) Outreach & Education, 2) Recycling, and 3) Local Economies.
The Green Team was profiled by The Hopewell Express in April 2018. Read the article here.
If you are visiting this page, you probably already try to live sustainably.
Here are 10 more things you can do to protect the Environment:
1. Take your own reusable canvas bags to the store.
2. Lower your thermostat one degree (or more) in winter.
3. Take shorter showers.
4. Compost your organic waste.
5. Drive your car less: walk, bike, carpool, use mass transit.
6. Keep your car tires properly inflated.
7. Eat locally produced food. Eat less meat.
8. Shop right in town, instead of traveling a long way to the mall.
9. Turn off lights in unoccupied rooms.
10. Drink tap water instead of bottled water.
The Watershed Institute has a list of 70 Things You Can Do About Climate Change on their website.
Questions? Contact Hopewell Valley Green Team at hvgreenteam@gmail.com
Follow and Like the Green Team on Facebook and Instagram! HVGT on FB HVGT on IG
Lauren Meyer of Hopewell designed our colorful HVGT logo. See her website here. The background photo was taken by Spencer DeMera on Unsplash.
Visit our friends and neighbors helping to protect our local environment. Click on their logos below (each opens a new tab in your browser):